Responsible Blogging

Once upon a time, blogging is just a hobby. It was a secret world for me as not a lot people I know knows that I blog. It’s not that I blog about people I know but I refrain from telling them because I am afraid of being criticized and judged. But who isn’t?

Looking back at my past posts over the years, that what I thought is somewhat silly.ย  Because whether they knew of my blog or not, they have something to say about me ( good things I hope ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).

However, looking back at my old posts, I find them now somewhat lacking on substance and worthwhile reading. Maybe its because I am more mature now. I’m smarter, happier and hopefully wiser.ย  Whatever the cause of my change of heart about it, I believe its better than before. Continuing to blog nowadays, I believe that I should be more responsible. My future posts should be at least one of the following.

  • educational
  • informative
  • funny
  • inspirational
  • should be from the heart โค

I will refrain from using foul words. And my future posts should be something I wouldn’t be ashamed of sharing to other people.


The True Millionaire’s Prayer

I was busy a lot. I have several projects starting at the same time while I am still working in my day job. Add to that 5 hours of travel and I’m left with just a bit of time to work on myself. And most of the time, I’m already dead tired. For now, I want to share a prayer, originally from Bro. Bo Sanchez.


Today, I ask You to bless me so that I may become a blessing. Lord, I commit myself to enrich others. But because I cannot give what I do not have, I commit myself to become rich. I commit myself to serve You and to serve the poor with my wealth. Today, I open myself to the abundance of Your universe. Use me as Your channel of love. Give me the ability to create wealth that will bless the world. Increase my financial wisdom and expand my territories. I place my life in your hands. In Lord Jesus I pray, Amen.


After reading again my last post (Death, Grief and Regrets), i’ve decided to make it private. It was poorly written and after a 2nd thought, I have decided I should take it down. I shall be posting again about the topic soon on a more tasteful way.

Starting Over Again

Nope. I’m not writing about the upcoming movie of Piolo and Toni (which I would love to see in the big screen if I have somebody with me since Dada is abroad). It’s about me refreshing the habit of writing.

Its been a long time since I have written anything for myself. And actually as of this moment, I doubt if I would be able to update as often as I would like to. I have the tendency of not wanting to write when hard time comes to my personal life. Experts though advice that people should keep journals to be able to reflect upon events in one’s life to learn from it. In my opinion this is quite true. Yet somehow I choose not to share some parts of my life in paper or the web which explains the long hiatus from my favorite blog. Yes I did have other blogs which all of them are defunct now. Some are deleted since it contained painful memories which I rather forget but still contributes of what I am today. In the past four years, I have matured a lot. I have survived a difficult time in my life. I think I am close to being myself back then, well at least the positive things I know I once was. I’m much wiser but i know there’ s still room for improvement. And one day i will be able to share those wisdom without the hurt.

For now I’ll leave you with the trailer from the movie. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

Not so smart thing to do with my son’s shoes



(1) Because my son loves his shoes which he uses as a “stopper” when he’s playing with his car toy ๐Ÿ™‚ and he doesn’t want to use any other shoes.

owen in car

(2)ย  And mommy patched the holes…

(3) And of course, mommy is proud…

(4) But in less than 30 mins…

Another day inย  life in a practical mom. ^_^